
I scout and rate players on all levels with APScouting & Consulting’s 8 most important attributes for a well-rounded player. All of these attributes are graded 1-5 and multiplied by the percentage that corresponds to that category. Aaron believes that these are the most important categories that a high-level basketball player should showcase.

The categories are:

  • Shooting
    • What this grade consists of:
      • Their efficiency as a shooter in all different aspects (spot up, isolation, off-dribble, etc)
      • If they are able to get to their spots effectively
      • Shot release time and form
  • Defense
    • What this grade consists of:
      • Defensive tendencies (stance, positioning, etc)
      • Block and steal abilities
      • Disruptiveness
      • IQ of defensive styles and overall team defense mechanics
  • Key Fundamentals
    • What this grade consists of:
      • Skills that need to be taught and practiced such as:
        • Boxing out
        • Watching man and ball defensively
        • Moving without the ball
        • dribbling close to body (knowledge of speed dribble, correct form on spins and crossovers, etc.)
        • Constantly watching for open players on both ends of the floor
  • Playmaking
    • What this grade consists of
      • Play and offensive system knowledge
      • Court vision
      • Assist Rate
  • Instincts
    • What this grade consists of:
      • Knowledge of when to cut to the basket or move to get open
      • When to get into passing lanes on defense
      • Seeing open teammates
      • How quick the player can adapt to a new defensive/offensive system
      • Can they still be effective when doubled or pressed
      • How quick they can realize a shift in team style
  • Motor
    • What this grade consists of:
      • Love of the game
      • Competitiveness
      • Emotion Control (does feelings or a bad shooting day get in the way of their play/concentration?)
  • Efficiency
    • What this grade consists of:
      • Consistency in all formats
      • Production on the court
      • Able to impact the game quickly